Grateful Diver Scuba
Underwater Adventures.
Film, Video, Music, Animation, Photography by William Archer.

Indie Films, Documentaries, Web Series, Music Videos...
are the underwater adventures
William Archer Valenti...
Please visit our Non-Profit Endeavor at:
We can kick around ideas with you, produce it and help you sell it!
We love to draw storyboards, write scripts, film, edit, create sound and see it all the way through to distribution channels!
Reef and Wildlife Conservation Diving Principals.
The Grateful Diver is a PADI Master Scuba Diver with Multiple Certifications including Underwater Photography and Conservation Diving. In 2008, he founded The Foundation For Oceanic Research, Conservation and Awareness
We are at various stages of concept to completion on the following projects:
A Non-Profit Organization producing documentary films, training and .
We started with a short film, then made a few more and now are turning it into a Feature Film and Web Series.
A fantastic adventure with an old friend in a foreign land.
An adventure with The Living Sea Divers and some great new friends.
Day 1 and Day 2 of an Awesome adventure off West Palm Beach, FL.
January 2008 - May 2008 and January 2009 ... My favorite places I've ever been.